5 Things You Should Do Before You Start Freshman Year

Okay. The time has come. You have graduated four years of hard work, studying and endless hours of homework. You’re an adult now. You’re ready. Here comes freshman year. Your first year in college will be filled with amazing new experiences, newfound freedoms and a lot of brand new friends—but there are a couple of things that you should do to set yourself up for success...

1. Set up your LinkedIn account

  • But recruiting is so far away! What would I possibly need a LinkedIn account for this early? The answer is internships and campus jobs—especially if you're trying to get a cushy on-campus job in the school admin building or even off campus at a local business, having a LinkedIn to point to will help showcase your accomplishments. Make sure to highlight any clubs or organizations that you led or were a part of (Minds Matter is a great place to start!) and include any volunteering activities you did. Don't forget to give a shoutout to your summer programs/ what you specialized in that summer!

2. Speaking of social media, do some social media housekeeping

  • Remember that pretty much everything on social media nowadays is up for grabs. Why is this important? Most employers nowadays will scan the major social media networks just to make sure that you're not involved in anything questionable that would send up any red flags. This means if there's anything remotely embarrassing on your Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or WUPHF, take it down or move it to private for you and your friends to enjoy discreetly.

3. Draft a resume

  • But it's sooooo earlyyyyyyy. I know. I know. But you'll thank me for this one. Your resume is just one of those things that takes way longer to do than what you expect—like homework, dishes and organizing people for a birthday party.

4. Do some soul searching

  • This is as good time as any. It will be rare in your life to have a situation where you have finished something and you have a clean break *and* the stability of knowing what comes next. This is a great time to do some soul searching, and soul searching doesn't mean that you have to meditate at a week-long silent retreat (though you could do that too!). Just take some time to explore new interests, and really try to figure out what drives you, when you feel happiest—these things will become important when you plan your classes, your internships and the clubs you’ll join! Go ahead! Daydream a little bit.

5. Draft a resume

  • This isn’t always an option, but if you can, make sure that you reach out and say hi! It’s always get a good idea to get a jump on deciding who will bring the mini fridge :)


LinkedIn 101


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