Please. Vote.
Sure, sure… it sounds like a cliche that voting is a big deal. Beyonce says so, Lady Gaga says so, Oprah says so… but why is it important?
Some Quick Stats
Voting in the 2016 election was actually up at 48.3%, compared to 45.1% in 2012
Students majoring in social sciences voted at higher rates, 53.2% in 2016, than STEM majors at 43.6%. Although voting rates increased in all fields of study, students in STEM fields voted at the lowest rates in both 2012 and 2016
Turnout rates in the 2016 elections were highest at colleges in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Compared to 2012, institutions in Georgia, Wisconsin and Mississippi saw the largest decreases in voter turnout in 2016
Voter registration stayed flat between 2012 and 2016
And… Some Slightly Sad Stats
While young people make up a large portion of the voting-eligible population, they’re much less likely than those who are older to vote. In 2016, only 19% of people aged 18–29 cast a ballot for the presidential election, vs. 49% of 45-64 year olds
However, young people are often hit hardest by major political decisions. This includes: debt forgiveness, healthcare, grant allocation (for those of you pursuing research), and basic family needs through social services to name a few
In Summary
Get out there! Vote! No matter your political association or beliefs, get out there and make your voice heard. It’s a small time commitment for a decision that will impact your life for years! And don’t forget, your decisions cascade, even though midterm elections (for example) are not as exciting as primary elections (for president), those you elect will represent you and your district, pass legislation on healthcare and more, and be your voice on critical decisions (like who we elect to the Supreme Court).
Check whether you’re registered to vote, register and read summaries of the candidates as well as the propositions in your area
College Voting Preparation Guide
Want to learn more about how to register to vote or prepare to vote? This is your place
Inside Higher Ed Study on College Voter Turnout
A summary study conducted after the 2016 election on voter turnout among young people